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Tourists and travelers all over the world have always been at risk and targeted for fraud and theft.
Tourists and travellers from all over the world are always at risk and targeted for scams and theft. Following a few simple rules allows you to reduce the danger of these events.
The emergency call number is 911 (police, fire or ambulance).

Before you go

Before you leave your country, make a note of the document data and credit card numbers and store them in a different location from your wallet, and keep a copy of the documents on your smartphone/tablet. If you are not travelling alone, share cash with other adults.


Never place valuables, such as cash or jewelry, in your suitcases and if you need a porter, choose only those in uniform. If you have to type or give your credit card number over the phone, be careful not to be seen or heard. At security, remember to retrieve your wallet and other valuables while still trying to keep them hidden from prying eyes. Use only official taxis and means of transport.


If someone knocks on the door of the room, and you have not ordered anything, call the reception desk to check if they have sent them staff. Don't leave the room key in view, don't forget it on the restaurant table, in the swimming pool or in the other public spaces of the hotel even if it comes to you cards with magnetic stripe. Always close the room door well because sometimes the springs used for automatic closing are worn and do not close properly but leave it ajar. Sometimes the rooms are connected to each other, make sure that the connecting door is locked. Leave the values in the room safe and do not leave the luggage unattended while keeping it in sight.

Walking and driving

Wandering around the city do not leave backpacks or bags unattended and do not show that you are lost. Walk carefully with pickpockets, who sometimes work with accomplices to distract the victim, especially in crowded places, elevators, or revolving doors. The wallet should be placed in the front pockets of the trousers or jacket, trying to use your credit card to avoid carrying a lot of cash, and not to show off jewels and valuables. Do not use automatic teller machines (ATMs) to withdraw cash in the evening and at night and during these hours avoid secondary roads and commercial areas where offices and shops are generally closed.
If you drive, especially at night or in places with little traffic, never stop very close to the car in front, because in the event of a collision caused by malicious people you can escape without getting stuck. When parking your car in a hotel, look around for suspicious movements.
The arrest of motorists for violation of speed limits or other traffic offences, is possible. If you are stopped by the police while driving, approach and strictly follow the instructions of the policeman, especially do not leave the vehicle and keep your hands on the wheel, then show the required documents.
In case of problems with local police authorities, such as detention or arrest, it is always recommended to inform your Embassy or Consulate responsible for jurisdiction for the necessary assistance.


The United States is present in various crisis areas of the world and this increases the possibility of attacks, especially in large cities. The American authorities have adopted a wide range of preventive measures, ranging from increased border controls, airport and port security, to chemical and bacteriological attacks, to the protection of nuclear power plants and civil infrastructure.
Intensified security checks may lead to longer times and greater difficulties not only in airport operations (check-in, changeover to metal detectors, etc..), but also access to museums, public buildings and more.
Public Safety (City of New York)
Personal Safety Tips (USDA Forest Service)

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