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With the LinkNYC, the city of New York has started a plan to convert old phone booths into WiFi hotspots. These stations also offer the possibility to charge your devices via USB and to make free phone calls within the United States.
There are also some parks where you can find free connections, such as Central Park, Prospect Park, Flushing Meadows Corona Park and other green spaces. Detailed information can be found at www.nycgovparks.org/facilities/wifi.
In addition, many subway stations offer free wireless access to the TransitWirelessWiFi network and the work plan includes coverage of all subway stops.
Finally, hotels, libraries, restaurants and bars offer their guests free internet access.
All these WiFi connections are generally not very secure. To reduce the risks it would be useful to use some precautions such as keeping your devices up to date at all times, using a VPN and enabling two-factor authentication (2FA).
Useful links
WiFi in NYC (www.nyctourism.com)
Wi-Fi in Parks
FREE Wi-Fi for New York City subway rider
14 Tips for Public Wi-Fi Hotspot Security (PC Magazine)
Public Wifi Security (Kaspersky Lab)
Public Wi-Fi security 101: What makes public Wi-Fi vulnerable to attack and how to stay safe (Norton, Symantec Corporation)

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